I loved the story of eight-year-old Ethan (posted below) whose mom granted his Christmas wish, providing him with a professional lesson in how to apply makeup. I immediately thought of […]
Yes, It’s Attached
A father confided recently that his penis was yanked by his two-year-old daughter when he stepped out of the shower. Even though he termed it “a commando raid,” he was […]
One-On-One Time . . . the Quickest Way to a Kid’s Heart
The first time I heard the expression “one-on-one time,” I was living in California working on my PhD. My friend and mentor, psychologist Harold Bessell, was holding seminars for parents […]
The One Big Talk
Remember as a kid, one or both of your parents telling you to sit down before proceeding to deliver The One Big Talk? No? You never got The One Big […]
Sex Is Wonderful!
“Sex is wonderful! Sex is amazing! Sex is something you’re going to enjoy the rest of your life!” Nowhere did those words appear in an article I read recently about […]